Creature spawner vertical spawning

How to make a creature spawner not spawn vertically?or set a vertically spawn distance? i have to make like floors extremely separated in order for this to work because every time im vertically a creature spawner was getting activated from the top or bottom floor from the floor i was in and it was consuming creature space limit of the 90,i need how to stop this or a higher creature limit which then i wouldn’t mind the creatures spawning up and down! a limit of 270 would solve this or an option for vertical spawn distance would too!i tried setting spawn thru walls off because it said on line of sight ,but it ignores that and still spawn!

Can you set a big barrier device above the spawn and add all players to ignore list ?

Yeah, the 80 or 90 AI limit hurts

Actually looking at the volume device it gives an on creature enter event, you may be able to use the creature despawn function with the on creature enter event.
It will probably show them spawn and die.

Both ways will make the second floor inaccessible to creatures though.

I can’t seem to use the new forum voting method, this needs a look at.