Creature spawner - team index (?)

How can I make specific creature spawner have specific team index?

I see this option only on wildlife spawner or guard spawner.

Not on creature spawner or NPC spawner.

Is there any way to accomplish this either through devices or verse?

I want zombies fight each other… :smiley:


I think Creatures are set to the Creatures team which is a separate team, you could try swapping their team in Verse using the fort_team_collection class but I’m not sure it will work, let me know though :eyes:

Make a post with voting in feedback & requests.

I want a player to be a bad mage and summon creatures for his team

So you already know that it is not possible to make at this moment?

Not with devices anyway, I don’t know enough about verse
But the Lama does… so it could possibly be done with verse