I made a cave inside a mountain. I cut a hole into the mountain using the Visibility landscape tool. The ground transitions from a landscape to a bunch of FortStaticMeshActor instances.
I can walk into the cave with my character, but the Creatures (Spawn from the Creature Spawner) can’t seem to follow me in there. The Creature Spawn in the cave also doesn’t appear to spawn anything.
Should I just make the cave without the hole and then place meshes to act as the mountain? What is the right way to do this?
Interestingly, the cave that I copied from (Some Other Template Map) had those Fort Underground Volume instances already setup. I checked the boundaries and they seem to cover the right 3d space.
I did some checking and I noticed that the Creatures are blocked at the landscape-hole boundaries. I checked this by making the hole bigger and they were able to move further into the cave but stopped at the boundary of where the hole projects onto the ground.
Like the projection of the 3d hole-boundary onto the ground determined where the Creatures stopped. I’m guessing the default UEFN navmesh might not deal with the visibility landscape-holes.
Perhaps I’m messing up the Fort Underground Volume setup somehow since I did copy and move them around from another template map.
I haven’t gone underground yet, but I remember reading a few posts with underground issues.
I don’t think what your doing is the problem, more that it hasn’t been sorted out yet.
I know The Fort Underground Volume lets cars drive under the landscape, but I was only hoping it would assist the navmesh.
submit a Bug Report and hopefully they’ll use your data for improvement.
Hopefully someone who knows about this can post, otherwise you may have to create a workaround.
I wonder if creating another new landscape for the mountain would behave the same way,