Creator experiences with recent moderation

My many 3+ releases are often rejected, then I apply and sanctions are lifted. They never told me the real reason for “content within your island”. Note that IARC rating was correct and did not need changing.

It is annoying and stressful and takes time ( waiting for appeal to finish) when you simply address an issue, improve environment etc.

Another issue is expired rating. I used to have a pistol in an non combat game to destroy blocking props. I had a 12+ rating ( though pistol didn’t work on players etc). In newer releases I removed the gun completely and got a new rating. The problem is old rating has expired and even if I wanted to switch to one of the previous versions, for example if I found a game breaking bug, then I could not. I would expect that rating is per release and doesn’t expire so quickly.

Yes we can share our experiences here but it can’t replace proper creator support. Player support doesn’t deal with many creator issues. I requested dedicated creator support but right now no one is going to help you, we have zero support.