Creative Royale and Creative Royale OG’s addition to Creative.

Please give us Creative Royale and Creative Royale OG back! And in addition, please allow us to have a setting where we can change the playstyle of the bots in the bot device (passive playstyle, aggressive playstyle).

Thank you, Epic!

This obviously doesn’t need to be said, but add back Zero Build to both.

For passive playstyle, the bots camp in houses, bushes, and other hiding spots (and if they can’t due to other players or bots in hiding spots near them, then they play the edge of the zone) and they try to avoid every other player or bot in the match.

For aggressive, the bots push, push, and keep pushing other players and bots.

@Kalev03 Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Thank you so much!

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If you want so , check here : Bring back the B.R.U.T.E. to Fortnite Creative Mode and UEFN! - #10 by Seismologos