MY friend and I are working on a Team Death match Mod. But my obstetrical is setting a player into team randomly. Is there anyone who is also looking into this or hopefully has a solution around this??
I have been looking through BPs and haven’t found what I am looking for.
I am thinking I need to go down the route of SOTF where as player start in a bubble and can join tribes at the start to be with their friends then be able to put tribes together onto a team so something along them lines. So the players have 3-4 min to join a tribe then the tribes will be split as evenly as possible onto 1 of 2 teams. and any remanding non-tribe players will be split onto either team.
Anyone who can shine some light on my dilemma, I would be very happy to hear from. And anyone looking for how to do this, any new info I find out I will share