Creating Saves of BP Details

Hi - I have a master BP for objects in my level so they have various shared attributes/events etc.

As I go through and set up different actors with their meshes, transforms and variables in the details panel I want to be able to save all the attributes of the actor I have made as a set so I can recall them and apply them to another Child BP’s later on, without having to have a load of child actors. So I can just drag a BP in and load a set of attributes.

Is there a way of implementing a sort of save button into the details panel which basically saves all of the variables as a set/struct into a folder or table that can be recalled/loaded back into another actor later on?

Basically a ‘details’ save option?

Just wondering how I might do that in BP’s only if possible

You can use a savegame, even from the editor. I used this to setup some pretty complicated levels :slight_smile:

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SaveGame is a standard method of storing data.
Also, you can use JSON:




And you can save data to disk:

My Products

Thanks for this - seems the way to go but how would I implement that as a button in the editor/details panel?

The saves I want to do would not be at runtime - while using the editor only?

Thanks but it seems that this currently only supports 5.0 - my project is 5.1



Using the ‘in editor’ button as shown below :slight_smile: