Creating/Providing a path for a MoveRequest

I was wondering what the proper way to create an FNavPathSharedPtr/FNavigationPath would be, given an array of pathpoints/FVectors.

Currently, I have an FNavPathSharedPtr that I pass into a generic MoveTo. In that MoveTo, I create a new FNavigationPath then add FNavPathPoints to the array (which I know is valid as there are examples of this in source code)

Here is how I do that:

//Now to remove all other points in outpath
//Need the total num as we will remove points from end of array during iteration
int num = PathResult.Path->GetPathPoints().Num();

targetPath = MakeShareable(new FNavigationPath());

//Remove pathpoints from last index in array down to the last index used + 1 (which is the new end of array)
for (int d = num - 1; d > i + 1; d--)
	//Target path will be end of PathResult.Path down to middle, which will provide target with a predetermined path to middle point

	UE_LOG(LogAIControllerBase, Log, TEXT("Removing at %d, last index is %d. AAIController_Base::FindPathforMoveRequestToTarget()"), d, num - 1);
//Done to ensure AI navigates to new goal location over old goal

//i is the middle path point, which is not touched by the for loop since it becomes the new endpoint
FNavPathPoint point = PathResult.Path->GetPathPoints()[i];
point.Location = middle;
UE_LOG(LogAIControllerBase, Log, TEXT("Location of last index in TargetPath is %s while middle is %s. AAIController_Base::FindPathforMoveRequestToTarget()"), *targetPath->GetPathPoints().Last().Location.ToString(), *middle.ToString());

OutPath = PathResult.Path;

//Make sure to update query for path
Query.EndLocation = middle;

//If not set, goal location is original from move call and on navPathEvent::NavigationUpdated the agent will repath to original goal location

//for target path, must update query path data for same reason as above, but with different path

Passing the above targetPath into a custom MoveTo, it is valid when I check and I also pass it new Query data built of a new MoveRequest.

But checking the visual logger, shortly after the custom MoveTo is called, I see that the path actually states that it’s invalid due to path being partial, and the PathFollowingComponent->RequestMove() times out.

For what reasons could the path invalidate from AIController->MoveTo to PathFollowingComponent->RequestMove?

Here are two images from the visual logger

Solved it.

For anyone stumbling upon creating own path, Make sure after you have the pathpoints set up, you have to FNavigationPath->MarkReady() and possibly also FNavigationPath->DoneUpdating(ENavPathUpdateType).

Otherwise, path->IsValid() returns false. Note that’s the FNavigationPath::IsValid, not FNavPathSharedPtr::isValid().

Thanks, ISpam Its really help.