Creating models on Blender to put texture on UE5

Hey everyone !

I try to creat a open-world game. My question is about objects: I want to creat them using blender, export them to UE5 and then put materials on it, is that the best way possible ?

Because I’m having a hard time to put material on the right place on these objects, and I would like to know if there is no better way ? Like shoud I put material on blender on the first place and then export everything on UE5, but I was thinking that the materials on UE5 using megascan are far more better.

I’m kind of lost and I would appreciate some help :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot and have a good day!

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yes, if u can bake texture in blender, u can import them to ue5.
but, u must focus on the result, something can make the result not the same in blender.
for example, as the normalmap, dx or opengl makes different result.
and the options “linear or sRGB” of texture also makes different result.
the different render method also makes …
and the hair system also not the same.

but u can learn some foundation of material, maybe 3 map enough which is base color map, normal map, ao+rough+metalic map.

u can use youtube and find out how to do that, u can type to search blender material to ue5.
or learn the foundation, type to search blender how to bake texture, and how to set material of mesh in ue5.

i think the megascan material have plugin of blender, which let u easy to use in blender for preview.

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Thanks a lot for your answer !

This makes me wonder which is better or easier: bake the texture in blender then import the whole thing into UE5…or just do the object structure on blender then put the texture into UE5 ?

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actually, baking texture in blender is possible, and some people do that.
but as a new guy for blender, it not easy.

the usual way, u can download some material texture from Bridge, or Polyhaven, and then import them to Blender to make a simple material that can let you preview.

last, import those textures to unreal and set material.

but, if your model is not for env, is a bottle, or football basketball, not the common material. you can use other software to make texture, substance painter or mixer can do that.

all that way is work. but, the difficult left hard to right easy is blender>mixer>substance.

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I’d suggest using substance or some other type of system to make textures.
The quixel mixer is getting more and more decent at this too, still not its primary function, but it is a rather decent tool.

The thing you have to do when crearing an open world solution is to generate a kit.

The kit has to use the same exact texture across all objects so that you save up on memory consumption.

Thats probably the part that wasnt originally mentioned and should have.

After you have a set texture, all your work can be done in blender by manipulating the UVs to get the look you want.