Creating material in blueprint for a Scene Capture Component 2D

Hey, in my blueprint I have a Scene Capture Component 2D and inside the blueprint I want to create a render target and material that is then assigned to a mesh in the blueprint. Basically I’m trying to replicate the workflow of creating render target/derived material in the content browser inside the blueprint (so as to have separate screen captures for each instance of the blueprint, if that makes sense?)

I’ve tried tinkering and searching for the answer, but I’m pretty new to this and can’t make sense of it. This is how my blueprint looks thus far:

What works:
Creating the render target and assigning it to the scene capture component works
Creating the dynamic material and assigning it to the mesh (Display Plane) works

What doesn’t work:
The dynamic material doesn’t display the render target as it’s texture.

Any help as to what I’m doing wrong is appreciated!

Hey @Jubalong! Welcome to the forums!

For the Dynamic Material instance, you need to at least create your dynamic material in the Content Browser, like so, to be set as your Parent for “Create Dynamic Material Instance”:

As well as a render target texture that will be passed into the MATERIAL as a sample, like so. You’ll want to set the material domain for the material to “User Interface.” I think you will want to grab the name for that variable of texture, and pass that into the Parameter Name.


Using that, you should be able to find the variable of texture and pass the new texture in. :slight_smile:

And… I think that should do it! Give it a shot and let us know

That worked perfectly. Thanks a lot! :+1:

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