I can easily create items like guns, and modify supply drops… But when I try to make a new version of a storage crate, it always keeps the settings from the old storage crate (except what it looks like), even though i’ve changed the item quantity. When I try to make a special mortar and pestle that crafts different things, it defaults to all the old mortar and pestle schematics, and to its old inventory size. Same with a fabricator. What is wrong with this thing?
Are you creating new structures using the “child” option? In that case, that is intended behavior - child classes always inherit all components (like inventories) from parent classes directly.
Instead, use the “copy” option - this will allow you to edit or replace the default inventory, setting your desired number of slots and recipes.
Are you changing inventory blueprint? It’s included inside item blueprint.
I’ve been using copy… and changing both blueprints… Its really wierd.
Then it’s possible that you’re just making the old versions of said structures.
If you still haven’t figured it out add me on Steam and I’ll walk you through it. Whitedylan7 is my steam name.
Added, and yeah, no matter what i change it reverts to the original.
If you still have problems - I can post an entire walkthrough on creating an item that has inventory.
with pictures? and does this include things like the mortar and pestle?
that would be great! same question here
Figured it out. **** hidden blueprints.
I would like that walkthrough also :D.