Creating HISM for Streetlight

Hi all,

Still a bit of a newbie here, wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.
Was looking at the asteroid HISM youtube video and have been trying some basic stuff. Essentially I have over 1000 streetlamps in my scene and I would like to replace them with a HISM version.

  1. Can I add a spotlight into the HISM?
  2. Please can you see my blueprint actor and tell me why nothing is spawning

The transform co-ordinates perfectly match the objects im referencing… I just want to spawn an instance on each of those locations.

My BP currently set up like this with nothing in the ‘Instance’ field (as thats what im trying to do in the event graph.

Hope the question makes sense. Thanks in advance!

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This will work, at runtime, assuming you have some tagged actors in the scene.

You can instance the streetlamp, and it can have an emissive material, but you can’t instance spotlights themselves.

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Thanks for the fast response. I realise if I tick the ‘world space’ box on the add instance node it does update! Shame about the lights situation. Need to work out best way for indoor lighting as its crazy heavy ! Much appreciated <3

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