Creating Fortnite Skins

Its very possible this has already been posted, and some how I was not able to locate it. But my question/inquiry has a lot more to do with character/skin creation in the game of Fortnite, and how to get started doing that? Or what is the proper channels to get into doing that, learning that? I am also interested in learning in developing a game or two that can be used in Fortnite. I dont necessarily want to create the games themselves, more so character and skins. Again, if this has already been addressed, please share the link. Thank you for your time.


Hi Anya, Welcome to the Forums,

It’s an important question. Currently there is no way to create or import skins into UEFN.

The idea seems at-odds with the current business model. (of Selling skins and cosmetics) But at the same time, it’s hard to imagine a metaverse without this flexibility.

However, it is possible to import animations and play those on your characters, so I’d say that’s the best place to get started.

I imagine in the not-too-distant future you’ll be able to use custom skins in UEFN experiences that you create. (And in the far future, a vibrant marketplace of skins that can be used anywhere)


Hi and thanks @Astrotronic for this super cool answer, even if it’s not there yet.
I think that everybody is looking exactly for the kind of open metaverse you’ve just described, even if it has to take some times for Epic to adjust its business model. :wink:

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Thank you for your quick reply, its very much appreciated.

Another question I would like to add (and maybe you can help with this one as well): How do I create skins FOR Fortnite, as in the Battlepass or to be presented in the Item Shop? I reached out to Fortnite Support and unfortunately they were not able to assist in answering this question.

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You’re welcome!

The only way I can imagine creating skins directly for Fortnite right now would be working at Epic. Epic also might contract some companies to help with skin creation. (I’m not aware of any specific companies though)

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can i make fortnite skins and youse them

Hi Betfbaz, Welcome to the Forums,

As an update, I’d say the closest thing now to “Creating Skins” would be attaching Niagara meshes to yourself.