Creating Dynamic Levels from Server

I’m using JSON to get data about my actors from a server. Right now it’s just things like foliage location, size, etc.

What I’d really like to do is load a landscape or static mesh from data provided by the server (ideally from a height map or similar). The levels shouldn’t be gigantic, so I’m not particular about whether we use a traditional landscape or static mesh. Any ideas on how this could be done?

I’m already loading actors, so I could resort to voxel-type entities, but I’d really rather not do that.


I’ve seen some stuff about dynamic meshes, but it looks all C++, does anyone have experience with this in BP?

With splines you can do dynamic meshes ok, not sure if that meets your requirements though. In the community content section of the forum there is a good free asset somebody has posted up and he has managed to do some fairly intricate 3d modeling using his blueprint so maybe give that a look.