I am making a text based inventory system instead of the typical slot based. I’ve run into an issue where I’m trying to make the item name on clicked expand to reveal Item information. Now, I’ve got the Item button to be added to the inventory but I have no clue how to make it so it can expand.
I have tried messing with expandable area’s but it never seems to be two sizes.
I would like for the Item row to be flush with the others unless clicked, then it would expand. I have provided a picture to demonstrate.
You should be able to use the Set Size node to change the size of your widget. This node changes a widget slot’s size just like would happen if you manually set the widget’s size in the editor.
Note that the target type is Canvas Panel Slot, which means you’ll want to use the Slot as Canvas Slot node on the widget whose size you want to change.
For starters, I suggest setting up a debug button somewhere, and creating an OnClick event for that button, just so you can call up the Set Size node to see if it works with your setup. If it does, you can proceed onto setting up more complicated behavior, like resizing in both directions, and animating between the two size states.