Creating Data Assets using editor utility widget

So what I want to do is I want to do is that I have a button matrix that I can click to make my pattern and then when it’s ready I want to create a Data Asset from my PatternPDA and fill out the variables.

I found this forum post, but after duplicate Asset it makes the asset and I can see it has correct parent PDA, but when I try to cast to it. It always fails. When I use get class from the duplicate Asset node it gives me “Blueprint” even though in content I can see its my PatternPDA.

Does anyone know why it happens ? Maybe there is some other way to do that also ?

You need to make sure that asset manager has correct class and path to data assets added.
Then you need to make sure soft reference has correct path when you cast.
Also use soft references to cast, do not use normal object references.
When you cast in normal way asset manager starts to load DATA asset, it is not yet ready in memory.

Can you help me out or is there a good tutorial on how to use asset manager ? First time working with making assets like this.

Data Assets: (asset manager around 9:00)

Blueprint only data assets:

Editor utility widget:

Action utilities: (around 16:00):

And there is one from Epic that shows creating LOD editor tool, explains workflow for editor tools, but cannot find it atm.

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