Creating Custom Shape Object in BP

Hey there,

Could you help me to come with solution for UE5, I want to create custom shapes based on points I would spawn.

So, whenever I have at least three points, it would create a custom shape mesh based on those three or more points.
It similar to how “PolyExt” at Modeling Mode works.



In UE4 I used to do this using a ProceduralMeshComponent, in UE5 you should be able to do this with Geometry Script (I’ve seen that they’re very powerful but l haven’t had the time to dive deep inside them yet).
As an input you could use an array of FVectors with a 3D widget or a spline.

Geometry Scripts also allow sweeping along a path to create a mesh and other advanced functions, have a look at them!
If you need help with the ProceduralMeshComponent feel free to ask


You could use Procedural Mesh Component.


Follow these steps:

  1. Create an actor with Procedural Mesh Component:

  2. GetMousePos:

  3. Draw spline between two points:

  4. Make shape point (vertex):

  5. Make shape (Create Mesh Section):

  6. Inputs:

  7. Clear service components and vars:

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@Supremative Thank for your suggestion.
But I want to ask what is your triangle content.