Creating blueprint save game/system for multiple levels saving the name of the level

Hello Guys

My Game: i have let say 4 levels/ 4 maps
the game begin from the first then the player if win goes to the second and so on to the last forth level.

My Goal: to use blueprints to create save system so that, if the player was in the third level then on the main menu it will be button to “continue and it will take it directly to the third level”

My Question: Can you please give me Ideas and hints how this can be achieved with blueprints only:

Should i cast: what, where , when

Should I use event dispatchers: how, where

Should I use interfaces: how, where

or How Am I suppose to do this with blueprints.

I think such question is interesting for everyone.

Thanks in Advance.

Check out this thread I posted on saving for multiple levels. I think you could use something similar to the LevelInt system I set up, but making sure to save the last level played by the player.

Hi Gooner44

Can you show me how you are doing this:

"The Level Int is just an int that I cast to HUD in each level’s level BP and set to the level number."

Can you take bigger screenshot including the UI of the editor.

So from what I understand:

I need to have variable of type int in each LevelBlueprint which then i need to cast to let’s say the HUD.
Sorry but if you give me step by step guidance it will be so cool.


OK it worked

Thanks !!!