Creating an awe-inspiring scenario with little effort?

Hey everyone!

I need design a study at my university. The study is about games that invoke a sense of awe in players. I need to set up 3 conditions: 1) neutral; 2) with some positive emotions (e.g. funny); 3) awe-inspiring. I am thinking of using Unreal Engine to create and arrange these scenes.

What would be the fastest/easiest way to do so for someone like me with very very little experience with Unreal Engine?

Preferably, I would have a player do a short task in 3 different environments - neutral, funny (e.g. with flying pigs making weird sounds around him) and awe-inspiring (e.g. putting a beautiful, huge building or object of nature close to the player for him to admire). The aim is to have these conditions as similar to one another as possible to avoid confounding variables while clearly invoking the aforementioned emotions in the player. There should also be more interaction than just walking around.

Any tips on how to go about it would be very appreciated. Maybe you know any existing scenes/packages that I could use for this purpose?
Do you think I could use A Boy and his Kite tech demo for this purpose? How could I easily set up gameplay other than running in there?


Doing something well takes skill and time, if you don’t have that I would find a way of leveraging some of the existing demos

Thanks! Any demos in particular that you would recommend? And how could I go about modifying them easily in terms of gameplay?

Anything made “with little effort” have no value; doesn’t matter what it is.

Just download the launcher and take a look at the free stuff that you can download and see if there’s anything there that you might be able to use.