Creating actors

Hello everyone!

I have problem with still creating of actors.
Is there a way on prevent this?
I’am worred that if more players will shooting it probably players get decrease of FPS (lags).

You can see on the right side still creating of actors (TracerEffect):

Please help me ;(

Assuming that TracerEffect is a blueprint with a projectile component, there is nothing wrong with it. Unreal doesn’t know automaticly, when something needs to be destroyed. I assume you use the projectile component, so here is a possible solution for your problem:


Basicly do, what I did in the video to your own projectile blueprint/Trace blueprint.
If you use a different kind of hit system, you just have to keep in mind that you have to destroy your traces, when they hit something (except line traces, but that’s a different thing) :).

A little advice though: Be careful with projectile actors and multiplayer. They are not network friendly on the get go :).

Oh my god :smiley: thank you very much ,aaaa my problem was tracer in the space which fly and fly and flyyy ;D

please keep in mind, that if you do this they wont get destroyed until they hit something. You should also set the “initial life span” to something you believe a bullet would never fly (like 5 seconds or so?) so the actor gets destroyed until they hit something or after 5 seconds they’re spawned.

ooo thank you, it will be very usefull in my game