Hi, I’m just getting started with UE5 so I’ve been creating various things on my own.
Currently I set out to create a bomb with a timer, in the process I created two blueprints with the actor class, one is the timer that is printing on the GameMode screen at the same time and the other blueprint is the 3d object of the bomb. The problem is that I have been trying to use the Destroy Actor node because I read that it would work for me to destroy my 3d object, but the situation is that none of the ways I have tried to solve the problem have worked for me.
Could someone please help me to solve this problem?
Hey there @fererelx96! Welcome to the community! I’ve got just the thing for you, I recently demoed a simple explosive for another member that does exactly this.
So here’s the script on the explosive that you’re going to spawn. All it does it after a 1 second delay, it spawns an emitter at the location in world space that makes an explosion, and uses destroy actor on itself to get rid of itself.
I just used a slightly modified version of the first person template’s gun BP to spawn the explosive like a bullet here, but you can spawn it however you’d like.
And voila:

However all this does is spawn the bomb, make a emission (just the visuals), and die. You’d still have to add your own damage, knockback force, and handle how it moves etc.
This was just a super basic example of how the node should be used. If you still have problems, feel free to show me what your BP looks like and I’ll tell you how to fix it up!
awesome, this is all i need, thank you very very much for your support @SupportiveEntity

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