I would like to start with that even if I wanted to use code, I can’t. For some reason the college computers don’t have Visual Studio or any kind of compiler/debugger for programming. I can literally ONLY use blueprints.
So, in my course we’re doing a large game project that spans a few months. I’ve decided to do a text adventure since I’ve made multiple in the past (Multiple flash games, as-well as an on-going Unity project). I’ve made a custom framework for each of these that gets data via a json table and parses it to display correct data. The style of the text adventure is that it gives a description of the scene and gives the player 4 or more choices to choose from.
However, since I’m limited to only using the blueprints in UE4, I have no idea how I could create a text adventure since I don’t think it’s possible to create a similar framework to the ones I made in Unity and flash.
Can anyone help me come up with some sort of way I could go about doing this?
Also, if you need a better visualization of what my text adventure is supposed to end up looking like, you can have a quick look at my WIP Unity text adventure