Creating a text adventure in pure blueprints

I would like to start with that even if I wanted to use code, I can’t. For some reason the college computers don’t have Visual Studio or any kind of compiler/debugger for programming. I can literally ONLY use blueprints.

So, in my course we’re doing a large game project that spans a few months. I’ve decided to do a text adventure since I’ve made multiple in the past (Multiple flash games, as-well as an on-going Unity project). I’ve made a custom framework for each of these that gets data via a json table and parses it to display correct data. The style of the text adventure is that it gives a description of the scene and gives the player 4 or more choices to choose from.

However, since I’m limited to only using the blueprints in UE4, I have no idea how I could create a text adventure since I don’t think it’s possible to create a similar framework to the ones I made in Unity and flash.

Can anyone help me come up with some sort of way I could go about doing this?

Also, if you need a better visualization of what my text adventure is supposed to end up looking like, you can have a quick look at my WIP Unity text adventure

Hey there, blueprints is a bit limited but i would say it’s not that limited that you can’t make a text adventure game. It would require you to learn about UMG to make the UI and use DataTables to store the situation and the options. My guess is that each option would point to the id of the next situation in the DataTable. You could also store a background image for each situation to give it a different feel.

Can you give an example of how I would create a datatable with a similar data structure to this?

Right afaik DataTables only accept csv like formats and not json. If you want to use JSON then you can run the parser in begin play and hold the data in memory using a map and a blueprint struct. I would say something like this:

TMap<FText, FChoice> Choices;

The struct FChoices has:

FText Text;
FText NextChoice;