Creating A Temporary Damage Volume

I’m looking into allowing my sidescroller character blueprint, and was considering having an invisible damage volume that can damage the environment (objects already blueprinted to have HP and receive damage) at the press of a button. I was planning on placing an emitter over the invisible damage volume to project its range (this I know how to do). Is there any way to create a damage volume at the press of a button?

Well you basically have two options. Either create a volume and trigger it directly via input and your level BP which would be a decent way if you want to do it just once.

Or you can spawn a box with the certain size into the game by creating a BP for this volume, providing it with size variables, make them “exposed at spawn” (or very similar. It’s a setting inside of the variable details).

Then each time you try to spawn that node it will ask you for that input and you can simply spawn it via “Spawn Actor from Class”.