I am new myself, I just published my first map last week. From what I can tell the best way to get more playtime and monetization is to build up a following of Fortnite followers. That’s what I am working on before I publish my second map is to at least join Fortnite social media channels and follow other creators.
I don’t believe that building a following base will help u that much, there are ppl who post 3-5 maps and 1 of them just blow up, because it has more play time that others and also gets on discovery channels.
I agree that map quality is a huge factor. However, if you have a lot of fortnite players that follow you, you will get the initial exposure from your map showing up in new maps category. Then instead of your number of players dropping, your followers will start playing it and between the 2 factors will give you a better chance at reaching a high enough visibility level to show up a lot more in discovery. If you build a great and fun map and only get a short time of discovery when you first post it, you will still probably reach the high number you are aiming for, but it will take longer than it would if you had a 100 or so players following you. If you have a couple of thousand players following you, you can jump close to the top spot really fast.