This is the current state of combat for my game - everything automated once I right click and off he goes, doing his basic attack. Range is set by an EQS and you can see where he wants to go as a pink debug sphere.
Im setting this up to be the classic ‘circle of death’ and that requires me to have the model behave like a tank instead of a regular actor, with the upper body being the Turret and the legs are the treads. To get it to work as intended, the ‘Turret’ needs to face the target its engaging. The legs need to move towards my current debug spheres. As you can see, he currently ‘slides’ to the desired location and that looks all wrong.
All of my research today has led me to think that the best way to get this done is by doing a Bone Transform in my ABP for the model. I can get the current target (this requires me to cast to the BP_MainCharacter I think to get that variable) and then plug that direction into the bone transform.
Im new to every bit of this still so Id like to run it by someone who is not an AI bot before I get too invested in this idea. Ive done a similar thing before with a head-facing tutorial but it was when I was first starting out, so if Im wrong about this way can you suggest a better alternative? Thanks all.