Hi all,
I’m looking to combine a set of actors together in the content browser for simple reuse throughout the level. They are a static mesh, a particle effect, and a light (it’s a torch). I’ve spent some time in Unity recently and it’s got a nifty feature where you can drag any set of objects into the content browser to create a single ‘prefab’ which when edited changes the properties of the in-world copies accordingly. This would mean I could place all my torches and adjust them all at once throughout the level. Is there a way to do this in UE4?
I’ve heard rumbles of using blueprints and coding classes but I have exactly 0% understanding of blueprints outside materials, terrain and particles, and not a speck of knowledge on C++, so I’m opting to ask here to try and avoid that.
If what I am looking for does not exist, does anyone know of a clear and simple guide to the blueprints method?
(If this thread is in the wrong forum, please let me know and I’ll move it)