I’m struggling to create a PostProcessVolume from C++, as I don’t know how to apply the brush to the volume.
If anyone has any examples, I would appreciate it. I’ve checked both the samples and the engine and this is how far I’ve got:
TSubobjectPtr<APostProcessVolume> PostProcessVolume = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject <APostProcessVolume> (this, TEXT("PostProcessVolume"));
PostProcessVolume->Settings.GrainIntensity = 1.0f;
PostProcessVolume->Settings.GrainJitter = 1.0f;
PostProcessVolume->BlendRadius = Radius;
PostProcessVolume->BlendWeight = 1.0f;
PostProcessVolume->Settings.AutoExposureMaxBrightness = 3.0f;
PostProcessVolume->Settings.AutoExposureMinBrightness = 0.75f;
PostProcessVolume->Settings.AutoExposureBias = 2.0f;
PostProcessVolume->BrushComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject <UBrushComponent> (this, TEXT("BrushComponent"));
I have no idea how to apply a sphere shape to this brush so that’s where I’m stuck.