Hello! I haven’t found a solution for my gltf problem so maybe I will find one for my FBX problem. Basically I am using the daz to blender plugin to bring in characters and animated them. I am trying to bring those animations into unreal to apply hair simulation as well as cloth simulation to my rig. I am really trying to make things simple and I already know it works with GLTF files but those don’t have shape keys apparently.
My problem is when I import the fbx file into unreal the physic asset scale is at .09 for the length and the radius. It looks fine to me but when I try to apply the cloth simulation it acts like nothings there. I try scaling it up and up and up until eventually the physics asset is 500x the size it once was. I finally get a reaction with the cloth but I don’t have any control over the bone because its so large.
So my question is. Is there anyway that I can re-set the physic bone size to start at 25.0 like in the gltf asset? Or am I missing some kind of step? A setting maybe?
I can’t find anything on youtube or google that helps me with this problem. It’s also really frustrating because I tried using not one but two file types and they both don’t work…
alembic doesn’t have the skeleton for the hair simulation
USD also doesn’t export with skeleton in blender
I am almost thinking I need to export out a gltf for the cloth simulation and a fbx for the body simulation but then my shapekeys on my cloth won’t show… I really need help here