Hi there,
so I build an automated turntable for product scanning and now I want to use marker and autodetect markers to always align and scale all scans in the exact same way to the board with the circular 12bit markers.
What are the exact steps with the CPs?
so lets say I scanned the board with the markers without any object. but the images to RC, detect markers, define a distance I measured between 2 markers and align.
Now I want to rotate and move the scene how I want it to be and then save the marker CPs as my default.
What do I have to do now? I am stuck 
It could be possible, but it would be really hard to do something like this and I hardly don’t recommend doing such workflow. Rather just shoot a ruler next to the object first and then continue shooting. Turntable in such case is very tricky.
I come from a vfx / matchmoving background and I do not see why this is so difficult.
Or maybe my explaination is confusing.
By using a turntable you are confusing the algorithm as if you would be walking around the object. The background is mostly featureless and the object is the only thing to concentrate on. This creates the circular look of the cameras in space. Now when you add markers which are static and want to define them in the space whilst doing a fake motion with the subject. Either the subject gets torn or the markers. You could glue or tape the markers directly onto the turntable platform, but for their detection you should be looking at them from 90 degrees to max 45 degrees. If you can overcome this and will have them printed and sticked to the surface well, while still being in between the near and far focus planes and framed well. This could work. But there are so many things that can go wrong while doing so, that I personally would rather give me manual input there for some seconds. It is up to you.