Creating a map

What would be the best way to create a grid style map for a 2d game that would control the players movement i.e the player would click the space next to them and the screen would move there and an event would happen?

You could start with the default top down template, and make sure the player can only click in points on a grid:

You could have a look here for a very rudimentary setup:

the player would click the space next to them and the screen would move there and an event would happen

Either snap the camera to the hit tile’s location or use a timeline to move a camera pawn (or actor) over X seconds. A gated Tick would also work well if you do not care about how much time it takes to get to the selected tile.

If your grid is laaaarge, spawning an actor for every tile is not a great idea. I’d use ISMCs and map their indexes to XY coordinates. If no physical tiles are needed, this can be just mathed out providing the tiles are of equal sizes.

Or you could simplify the whole thing greatly with this neat little thing:


All of a sudden, all world clicks are in a grid.

I’m planning to use it as a world map for the main game how would I effectively set this up as I have very little experience in general. It wouldn’t need collision since it’ll be a heavily text based game and would I have to edit it for a map overlay to give it more details (mountains, river… etc)? Thanks for the help btw :slight_smile: