I have an actor component that I’m using for an inventory system, inside of this is a variable for equipped items which I set to a custom Enum for equipment slots and then set its type to map and then set the values for the map to an actor reference. When i hit compile however the editor freezes.
I’ve tried different workarounds as well but they all freeze as soon as the compile button is pressed. I’ve looked through the documentation and the answerhub and as far as I can tell I’m not doing anything wrong.
no the inventory component doesn’t inherit from anything, the actor class is a child class however, its an equipment class which inherits from item which itself inherits from actor.
In the Map, is it just the base Actor type or one of the actor classes that you’re using. Perhaps you’ve run into a circular dependency? Plausible?
It would be a similar situation where you simply cannot have nested structs where both inner and outer are identical since this would lead to an infinite chain of dependencies.
I duplicated the component blueprint and tried changing the map variable in the new blueprint, it worked absolutely fine! I guess there was an issue with the original blueprint somehow. annoying but it’s a workaround at least.