Creating a list through children to and a button in ui

Hey I’m making a game through ui (it’s mostly a tool to keep track of stuff for a real-life RPG) and i’m trying to make a button that creates a child of a pawn that acts as one of the players and keeps track of their stats. I am then trying to display and select them through a list but am having trouble because lists have to be different ui piece from the main section and you can’t cast to them to use the set text to either get a name or anything and doing it in the list ui it says it can’t cast to it’s self and doing it in the main ui blueprints it says it’s looking for a rich text block. so how can I add a name into the text input on the left press the button and add the name to the list on the right?

maybe have a look at this

and see if you have any additional questions after.