Creating a light emitting material for a lamp shade

Hi everyone.
OK so briefly - I’m very new to UE but have been doing Archiviz for many years in 3dsMax. So what I’m trying to do might be the best way in Max but not in UE… please correct me if I’m approaching this the wrong way!
I want to make a material for a paper mache lampshade for a night scene. So it must have the texture of the paper but glow from the inside. I don’t want it to be fully glowing like neons, but rather a soft glow for ambience and reflections on other surfaces.
Found many posts/tips/tutorials on how to make Emissive materials, but all of them are way too strong and basically Neons.
So what I did - took the textured paper material and made an Emissive map from my Normal/bump map (so that it glows more where it’s thinner and less where it’s thicker). Plugged that in with a glow colour and glow factor modifiers to fine-tune in the material Instance in scene.

But the best I could get was this… There is the (sort of) correct glow vs thickness effect, but any less glow-y and it goes flat with no 3dimentionality. More, and it looks like weird neons.

Am I doing the material wrong, or should the approach be use the textured material and add some opacity, with a light inside that “shines through”
Thanks in advance!

The engine does sub surface scattering, like the sun coming through leaves

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Thank you!
So it seems my approach was wrong… I’ll hook up some SSS and fine-tune opacity then.
Gotten so used to using tricks in Max to simulate “real world”, it feels like I’m cheating a bit with UE’s very realistic simulations!

EDIT: no playing around with opacity needed - plugged the entire tree into SSS in the end and that worked a treat. Just fine-tune the Atten. Radius of the point-light inside for best results!

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