Creating a face rig with 2d textures on 3d model

Hi everyone, I have a question about face rigging if anybody can help with some advice, I have created material that contains small pupil and flipbook with two sprites, closed and open eye, the pupil is controlled by U and V offset parameters through material instance.

I have managed to retarget mannequin rig to the character and everything is working good, the last thing I want to achieve is the simple face rig, with let’s say two bones, two for eye movement “look at” and one for eye blinking, I saw that there is a way to connect material parameters to control rig through curves.

How to connect curves to the bones in control rig so the parameters respond to the bones? If anybody has any clue how to achieve this, also the nodes get and set curve value doesn’t recognize the imported curves, can it be done?

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Skeletal Mesh with Blink for blinking through flipbook and Offset X and V curves for moving the iris of the eye

Control Rig - Curves are imported succesfully, but they are not recognized by get or set curve nodes

Eye material - it blends the flipbook blinking animation and iris movement through the UV offset X and V

Eye material Instance

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Hey @Agonizer11
First of all let me tell you you’re character looks really cool! Second of all, you might need a clamp node to make that curve value work, have you tried adding that already?

Hope it helps!

Can I ask how you did this? I THINK I’m after doing something similar but basically I have this lego face rig in Blender which uses planes and shrinkwraps to attach the rig to the face. I’m wanting to get it into Unreal but I’m not entirely sure how to go about it. It’d be great if I could do procedural real time poses for the face but I can bake them out if needed. but I’m not entirely sure how to get it into UE.