Hey guys, first post here so please forgive any mistakes!
So I’m setting up an environment for one of the encounters for the game I’m currently working on. I have two enemy types: a small droid that rolls around and pursues the player, and a bigger robot that will occasionally pursue the player. As seen in the picture below, I have a general floor, and a walkway around the middle section. Droids spawn on this walkway, and chase the player around. I have NavLinkProxys set up so they can go off the walkway onto the floor. The problem is the part under the walkway. I want the little droids to be able to pursue me when I’m under it, but the bigger robot is too small to fit in the gap, so it will get stuck. What I want to know is: is there a way to set up a NavMeshModifierVolume that supports one actor type and not another? I’ve looking into area classes, but can’t figure out if I can use this to solve my problem. And if not, is there another approach that I could take that I’m not thinking of? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!