Creating a build for Ios and uploading in test flight

Hi Guys, Need some help from you guys.

So for the past two weeks I have been facing multiple issues with Unreal engine 5 and xcode 15 and I am unable to create a build and publish it to the store for testing

  1. the first error is that its not allowing us to signin with apple or google on ios but its working on anroid (firebase features plugin) code=1000 null
    this is the error we receive for apple
  2. if we by pass the sign in we try to connect to the play fab server made with ue5.1 it does connect to it but immediately return to the main menu. can this be an issue to the different version of ue or dude to the project name difference on ios
  3. unable to make a build and getting an error url scheme needs to begin with aplhabetic characters

would appreciate the help