Created a landscape for a game im currently working on!

I absolutely love creating custom terrain! I was in the zone here! I need to add some trees but This is what I have so far! :slight_smile:

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Well done! Isn’t it fun? I always try to figure out what kind of story or gameplay I’m going for first. It’s hard to start, but once you’re in the zone, it’s quite fun!

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Unfortunately It got deleted! So ill have to do another landscape but it really is very enjoyable! Just changing angles, switching between the tools to create the art of terrain! but as for the seeing a story unfold, It truly does feel that way! Having both the editor and the client open to experience the perspective changes is what I love as well. I just wish it was as quick as creative or in UE, You press play & you are running around within seconds! Still happy with what we have so far though!

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