Create widget not working as expected.

I’m having an issue with transitioning between User Widgets. I’ve created three user widgets from the main menu that do different things; Credits, Options, and Start. Each open a different user widget with start opening the characterselect user widget. The first two I created, Credits and Options, work as expect. The third one I created won’t load the chracter select screen even thought its created the same as the first two. I added a print log to output what scene its attempting to load and it’s targeting the correct widget. I also tried using a reference variable which didn’t change anything. I don’t receive any errors as noted in the screenshot below. What am I missing or where can I troubleshoot?

Main I feel like a newb. As soon as I posted I realized I didn’t provide the add to viewport with a target of the return value like the others. That fixed it.

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Not surprising to me, imo the widget system in UE is very wonky, and I have often compared fooling with widgets to being in the phantom zone or something and things just don’t work right.

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