Iray is not enought fast for real time, of course,
but for create screenshoots directly from the viewport editor could be amazing.
Iray is not enought fast for real time, of course,
but for create screenshoots directly from the viewport editor could be amazing.
I don’t think that implementing a separate renderer just for screenshots is a good idea.
I have a better idea:
Snapshot the currently rendered scene and export it as a file a modelling software can read (fbx, obj) so the snapshot can be used for external rendering.
You can export the scene to FBX already
But as far as doing something like an iRay render, that would be up to Nvidia, maybe not out of the question since they’ve got iRay in Substance
Also it is a lot of money (Software), knowledge and time. Only for take a simple screenshot.
I not and artist I wanna create screenshot with my marketplace assets.