Create/Place Actors (Custom Classes) through C++ possbile?

I wish to place many Actors (static meshes), or even Custom Actor Classes into the world, is it possible to do this with C++ ?

Think chessboard style field, consists of many squares, surely there is another option than Dragging & Dropping individual tiles?
Im new to UE and I looked at Manual under Placing Actors, but options showed there are dragging & dropping through editor.

If I wish to place 50x50 tiles in orderly fashion: Im thinking of running it in 2 for loops and set each one’s location in world specifically, can I do that through C++ and if so can i get a hint as to how?

I tried to do UWorld::SpawnActor() but it ended horribly with a crash.

Try smth like this:

void AMyActor::PlaceMany() {
	auto world = GetWorld();

for(int i =0; I< 50; i++) {
	for(int j =0; j<50; j++) {
		FTransform transform = ...; // Create transform that you want
		world->SpawnActor(**ClassThatYouWant**, transform);