Create Placable snow with Blueprints

Hey people!

I have been playing around with snow the last couple of days.
I know its possible to create some realistic snow with the geometry script as shown in this video

The problem here is, obits not really for the snow you would see all over your landscape and because you cant really paint it as a „landscape layer“.
(Im still a beginner to blueprints and usually focus on environments so please correct if im wrong!)
However, I was wondering if it was possible to have the same functionality as in the video (place multiple spheres and morph them together) by painting them in. Placing them by hand would be fine too.

I know I probably write this a bit confusing.
In the video, spheres are placed onto a mesh with the geometry script and then morphed into one, more or less, layer of snow.
I want to basically do the same but instead of placing them with the script, place them by hand.

This is probably explained terribly. If you need any further clarification please tell me.

Any help is appreciated!
Happy Holidays!

Hey @AFishWithoutFins!

What about using a decal?

Thank you for the answer!

Im not really looking to paint the snow like a material or with decals.

What I want is “real snow”, as shown in the video.

In the end what I want to be able to do is, paint a blueprint with a white sphere in some areas over my landscape with a plugin I have a license for and then “recombine” those placed spheres and morph them as shown in the video into a 3d layer of snow.

[UE4] Landscape Smart Material - YouTube

I want to try something like this snow.