Create new project C++ failed

I have Visual Studio 2017 with C++ tools. And i have windows SDK 10.0.16299.15

I can create BluePrint Project.

But when I trying to begin a new project in C++, this error is displayed :

The project could not be compiled. Would you like to open it in Visual Studio?

Running E:/Epic Games/UE_4.18/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe tttttest Development Win64 -project=“E:/UE4_Projects/tttttest/tttttest.uproject” -editorrecompile -progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE
Performing full C++ include scan (building a new target)
Creating makefile for tttttest (no existing makefile)
@progress push 5%
Parsing headers for tttttestEditor
Running UnrealHeaderTool “E:\UE4_Projects ttttest ttttest.uproject” “E:\UE4_Projects ttttest\Intermediate\Build\Win64 ttttestEditor\Development ttttestEditor.uhtmanifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Reflection code generated for tttttestEditor in 9,2424986 seconds
@progress pop
ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.

I need your help please and sorry for my bad english.

I found solution . For Visual Studio 2017, we need Windows SDK v8.1 even if we have Windows SDK v10

ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.

Install that version and retry