Create Morph Target In UE5

This is my first post so apologies for any informalities!

The title pretty much says it all, I’m looking at a way I can create morph targets within unreal. I’ve downloaded a character with some facial blendshapes off the marketplace. However, things like jaw opening and eye turning are controlled by joints. Is there any way I can use those joints in UE5 to create animations/pose assets, of jaw open, eye look left, eye look right etc?

I would just take the mesh and create the blendshapes in Maya but I can’t seem to export the mesh properly out of UE5 and just to keep things clean it would be great if I could just add a morph target from an animation curve or something.

Any help is much appreciated!

I know this response is 2 years late but there is a 3rd party Code plugin called Meshmorpher that allows very easy creation and editing of meshes. this includes creating new morphs and baking them to existing meshes. you can even import new morphs from other meshes.