"Create localized Asset" does not show the language options

Hey everyone, I am using 4.27 and trying to use the localization dashborad. I got the text translation working, I can even change the language runtime. However when I try to create localized assets, the “create localized asset” only shows the native language.
I tried creating the L10N folder structure manually, still did not work. Options are still missing, and even i restart the level after the language change, assests does not get localized. Tried restarting the editor as well.
All the tutorials i have found just smoothly selects the languages from the dropdown menu and they are good to go.

What could be the problem here?

  1. When you set “Loading Policy” be “Always” ,your setting will be saved in DefaultEngine.ini in your project config directory,and you can switch your game language in editor mode without switching to standalone game mode. ,but your editor lanuage will be switch too.
  2. When you set “Loading Policy” be “Editor” ,your setting will be saved in DefaultEditor.ini in your project config directory,in this setting, the result will be same as above.
  3. When you set “Loading Policy” be “Game” ,your setting will be saved in DefaultGame.ini in your project config directory,in this setting,when you want to create localized asset,there are languages you translated at options,but you cannot switch game language in all mode except standalone game mode.