Create Level Template?

Quick Question, How do you go about creating a level template, as in the ones you find in editor when you File->new level?

I would like to make a base template for myself to derive multiple levels from.

You can find level templates here, you could try to add them


I’m not talking about when you start a new project. When you select File->new level, while a project is already open, you have “Default” or “Empty Level,” I’m looking to figure out how to add a new one, say “Basic Outdoor” or similar

Am i crazy? lol, or are we talking about the same thing?

ah you right :o there is level templats sorry

You can find them here:

I edited anwser

Just to answer this more clearly for future readers.

Your template map does indeed go inside of Engine\Content\Maps\Templates


Import a thumbnail “inside the editor” to Engine\Content\Maps\Templates\Thumbnails compare the texture settings to the default thumbnail already in there. It needs to be a size of 200px x 200px


BaseEngine.ini needs to be edited.


You need to create another “+TemplateMapInfos” line, and fill in the correct directories for the thumbnail and map.


If you want custom imported assets in the level you can also import those into Engine\Content\MapTemplates


Thanks Tyler, this really cleared things up!

This worked for me! Thanks! This should be marked as Answered!

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You don’t have to modify the engine’s BaseEngine.ini. You can just modify your project’s DefaultEngine.ini, and add the lines to it. Also, you don’t have to add content to the engine, putting the map/thumbnail in your game’s content folder will work.

Example of BaseEngine.ini:



Can you do that at project level instead of engine level? I’m not finding a way to do it on a per-project basis.

I’m also looking for this feature but haven’t found anything

In 5.2 you can simply add a template in project settings.