Create File Report of the actions of the player

Hello Everyone.
I’ve been working on a VR project that basically is a simulation of a robbery. Is for research purposes mostly.
I wanted to know if it’s possible, in any way, to create/export a txt file or something with the information about where the player’s been, what objects did he took/grabbed, the time they been on each place, etc. Basically create a report of the player’s actions, time, etc.
If is not possible to export that file, is it possible to at least show on screen those type of details? Been trying to search for something like that but can’t find anything.
Does anyone knows something about that?

Yes, this is absolutely possible.

The most accurate thing you can do is a “recording and replay” which is typically done by capturing data the way a networked game would and then playing that data back. However, you need to game to actually play that back.

If you want to record specific actions as text, you can do that by having some global function (maybe in the GameMode) that records actions to a file, and then call that function when you detect various actions – “fired weapon,” “hit civilian,” “entered bank vault” and so on.

You do need to figure out what it is you want to record, though. The computer can’t know for you, just like the computer can’t know what sounds you’d want to play, or what your levels should look like.