Create external library Artnet

Hello ,

Dont know if I need to open up a new question , but I actually try a external library using the tuto MSND after that i follow steps in the Linking_Static_Libraries_Using_The_Build_System. But I dont understand the last step “Linking Our Library”. Sorry my first time with libraries or plugins, I clearly dont have the logic and how to used the library after.

I try to used the artnet open Source

If some ideas , I take .
Thx for you patience.


A bit of self-promotion here but Lightact media server allows you to use Art-Net in combination with UE4. You can receive Art-Net with Lightact and pass the value to UE4 and then if you wanted you could grab UE4 texture and map it to Art-Net/DMX lights.

Check out media server for unreal engine page if you want.

Best regards,