Create Control Bus Mix Asset from within BP

Hi everyone,

in BP I can call Create Control Bus Mix, how can I turn the resulting object into an asset to be stored on disk? Calling Create Asset asks for an Asset class (which I assume is Sound Control Bus Mix) and a Factory instance. The latter I have no idea how to create, although it is there somewhere.

Use case is I want to create modulation presets which I can interpolate a la INA GRM tools. I figured the Control Bus Mixes would be the way to go here.

Is this the right way to do it anyway?

I’ve dug around and found the FEditorFileUtils::SaveAssetAs() C++ utility function, which was really easy to put in a BP function library

In your MyGame.Build.Cs:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "UnrealEd" });

In your project create a new BP Function Library C++, with:

#include "FileHelpers.h"


class UMyUtils : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary

	static void SaveToDisk(UObject* Asset);

Then in the CPP it’s as simple as:

void UMyUtils ::SaveToDisk(UObject* Asset)
	TArray<UObject*> Assets;
	TArray<UObject*> OutSavedAssets;
	FEditorFileUtils::SaveAssetsAs(Assets, OutSavedAssets);

It will produce a file save dialog and generally do what it says on the tin. How refreshing!

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