Hey guys,
currently learning how to integrate C++ code into my Blueprint Libraries, I just imagined that it would be very cool to be able to create C++ code stubs with all the parameter and return value stuff from within the Blueprint editor so you just need to add your proper C++ code to the stub. Just as you are able to access Blueprint Code of a certain node by double-clicking it, a double-clicked C++ node should open the corresponding .cpp file and implementation.
That feature would save me so much time. Especially for people who have worked only with blueprints before, it would help gain them access to the much more powerful C++ world. Especially the ideas of having Generic Type Functions and working with pointers sound sexy to me But right now, it takes me a lot of time just to figure out the proper declaration of such a C++ function library which is accessible from a Blueprint.
Maybe some of you can relate to these issues, too.