I am trying to create some basic circuits in Unreal Engine using logic gates. I have created a class called Gate_Parent that holds all of the information about how the gates should interact. Then, I have child classes for each of the logic gates that override a function found in the parent class. All this function does is run the specific logical expression for the gate (i.e. an AND gate would run the AND boolean function on two inputs). Right now I can connect the the gates inside of the level editor and they work, but when I try to put them into another blue print class they turn into child actor components that I cannot edit. I am looking for a way to put the logic gates inside of another class blueprint where I can create circuits so that I can easily replicate them. This would include allowing me to edit the sizes and shapes of the gates inputs and outputs, and also the ability to modify a Gate_Parent variable which tells a specific instance of a gate which other gates it is connected to. I am pretty new at using UE4 so I am not sure if a way to do this exists, but I figured I would try to ask before copying and pasting a bunch of times and cluttering up my editor.
same question